AGR Seal: Healthy Back Action

The association Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V. The experts report.
Already in the early 1990s, the renowned physician Dr. Günther Neumeyer from Hamburg supported the thesis that healthy products for the back are an important component in the prevention and treatment of back pain. At present, this thesis is undisputed and is proven by different studies. On his initiative, the independent association Healthy Back Action (Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V.) was established in 1995. This non-profit organization cooperates with the most diverse medical disciplines and their respective associations, as well as with thousands of doctors and therapists. It collects and publishes exhaustive results and information from medical specialties. Current knowledge in the areas of orthopedics, physiotherapy, occupational medicine, sports science, etc. They are made up of independent experts. In this way, many people affected by back pain are helped, which is the majority of us.
The AGR seal of quality offers valuable help in distinguishing products and objects whose ergonomic quality has been proven by various disciplines of medicine.
In addition, AGR offers technical-medical knowledge to qualified retail trade personnel in order to improve the quality of the advice provided. The knowledge acquired in these training programs has to be updated regularly.
But also medical personnel take advantage of the AGR training courses to improve their consulting competence in the area of ergonomic configuration in everyday life. These experts call themselves "experts in preventive habits for back pain."
The AGR seal of quality has obtained the "outstanding" rating from ÖKO-TEST and has been distinguished with the best mark, "particularly recommended", by Label-online, a portal of the German association Die Verbraucher Initiative eV The Label-online portal it is continuously updated, extended, redesigned and supplemented with the support of the German Ministry of the Environment, the German Environment Agency and currently also the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. v.
Stader Str. 6
27432 Bremervorde
Telephone: +49 (0) 4761 92 63 58 0
E-mail: info (a)